Effective English for Engineers and Technologists: Reading, Writing and Speaking
The book responds effectively to the requirement relating to the subject of effective English for Engineers and Technologists: Reading, Writing & Speaking. It is a one volume comprehensive effort, and has five sections in all:

Section one is on writing and contains basic guidelines on subjects such as "Importance of Writing", “Speed Writing”, “Writing Essays”, “Writing Paragraphs”, “Proverbs”, “Writing Effective Letters”, “Writing Notes” and ends with some interesting points on “Good Writing”.

Section two is on speaking and gaining proficiency in dialogues. Speaking English is as important – if not more so – as writing and understanding English. Correct and effective command over spoken English is a prerequisite to any real success in life – personal, professional and social. One of the important characteristic of this section is the use of participatory approach to learning, using only those competencies that you have.

Section three is on reading comprehension and punctuation and has practice exercises on reading comprehension and punctuation.

Section four is on words and their role. This section has material on the science of word formation, suffixes of various roots, stems, nouns, verbs, the magic of a specialized vocabulary, verbs – the source of power of your language, adjectives, homonyms, anagrams, synonyms and antonyms, cliché, the idiom, compound nouns, riddles, palindromes, slang and campus-slang, guidelines for those who will go abroad (!), phonetic riddles, rounding up big words, modern speech versus dead language, the comma, colon, ellipsis, parentheses, quotation marks, the semi-colon, etc.

Section five is on charts and diagrams.

Example essays, paragraphs, and letters. Spread throughout the book are effective examples of essays, paragraphs and letters: Noise Pollution; Space Science in the Nation’s Service; The Demography of China; Technical Writing; The Internet; Language Help: Computer Style; Einstein and Maya; The Performance of the Indian State; Apple finds the future for Online Music Sales; Letters : Applying for a job; Abstract of experiences/specializations; Letters to fame; Letter to gas agency – informing change of address; Letter to the bank; Letter to the landlord; Letter to formal colleagues; Letter to Chief Election Officer.

This book will define for you exemplary success in the use of English for effective technical writing.