All You Want To Know About Things Around You: |
This book is all about things around the great marvel, that is us. Well, almost. Among other things, it tells you all about:-
– Ready to eat foods, to be made really to eat foods, kitchen and kitchen gardening, etc.
– How to buy a home, and the not so pleasant home accidents, etc.
– Baby care, personal care and the results of the ‘uncare’, etc.
– Sensible savings, healthy savings and how not to save foolishly, etc.
– How to save yourself being robbed, raped and, of course, murdered (by Man, Machine and Nature) etc.
Lying and lie detection, truth and truth drugs, crying and tears, smell, smelling and perfumes, UFO’s and Fire Fighters, work, employment and the future job markets, as well as greater details about dreams and mothering.
A truly interesting book!! |