A uniquely authentic opportunity to know the real you, and define your success in education, career, life and interpersonal relationships through analysis of your handwriting. Dr. Ajay Rai is the bestselling author of Your Handwriting Reveals Your Personality, and has years of experience.


Our handwriting reveals our personality and our basic individual characteristics that affect our education, career and life. And it does this with great accuracy. Consider these facts:

  • Our handwriting is as individual and personal as our thumb impression. Our signature is as unique as we are. Even if we are identical twins our handwriting shows our identity, not our twin’s. It is impossible to duplicate handwritings.
  • Even as children, when we are taught the formal approach to writing, we write in ways which is different and exclusive to us.
  • Investigations into the handwritings of children show that individualization sets in early in life. Even the scribbling of the pre-school child is found to show individual characteristics.
  • Very specifically, Handwriting Analysis gives us a clear insight into:
    • Our personality and whether we are competitive, self confident, exceptional, cold, warm or indifferent.
    • The kind of work which can give us the maximum satisfaction [and monetary returns], and
    • Who to choose as part of our personal, family, business and social lives.
  • Handwriting Analysis experts are now increasingly being employed by organizations in fields as diverse as commerce, education, law, health and police work.


Although Handwriting Analysis can be put to many uses, there are two sectors which are significant:

  1. Work and career: This is possibly the most important use of Handwriting Analysis. It identifies and selects individuals for jobs by objectively measuring their personality as shown by their handwritings. It is used extensively in pre-employment, in-employment, recruitment, promotion, guidance, interviews, coaching, short-listing, team-building, internal mobility, career management, etc. It also plays an important role in improving teamwork by identifying strengths and weaknesses of both individuals and the team.
  2. Personal analysis: The second most important use of Handwriting Analysis is personal analysis - identifying personality and emotional traits specific to life situations that affect us the most. Handwriting Analysis is a unique and powerful technique for self-improvement since it identifies our weaknesses and strengths, and gives insight into why one succeeds or fails in his/ her career and life path. It recognizes health issues, helps us learn how to improve interpersonal relationships and adds to our general happiness by obtaining a deeper understanding of oneself through the analysis results.    

In addition, the use of Handwriting Analysis in legal work is another, very specialist area. It involves making writing comparisons for Courts of Law or other clients. A Handwriting Analysis expert in such cases is taken as an effective, expert witness.


Handwritings show potential talents (even the hidden ones) as well as possible limitations of the individual. It shows, for example, his/her ability for musi­cal appreciation, or art, or literature, and so on. Coupled with this, it shows whether the writer is good with people or is a loner and whether he is a person living in the past or looking at the future. His friendliness and suspiciousness would also show in his writing.

As we and our society become more demanding and exact, Handwriting Analysis turns out to be the most important tool for vocational guidance. It is no coincidence that many top executives­ are familiar with Handwriting Analysis and know its importance. In fact quite a few of them take its help when appointing senior personnel.

It is important also when choosing a new partner. It is said that partnership in business is as important as partnership in marriage and often, when choosing a new partner, the handwritings of both persons are analyzed and compared to find grounds of compatibility.

Though used in India in limited ways, Handwriting Analysis is now used extensively in many countries in vocational guidance, selection of credit risks by mail-order and installment houses, selection of personnel, and marital advice [both pre and post marriage].


Handwriting Analysis identifies traits that define a good, successful career. These traits include intelligence, honesty and sincerity, independence of action, knowledge of people, circumspection, emotional stability, alertness, temperament, emotional and sensory quality, and last, and probably the most important, willpower to achieve and to accomplish goals.

We live in very competitive times. A person is considered successful or unsuccessful (and hence worthy of our respect or contempt) depending on what [and how much] he achieves in his career. The man who gets our maximum respect is the one who has achieved the maximum in his career. Everyone cannot be the best in any particular field, but everyone can do whatever he is doing in the best possible way.


Handwriting Analysis can be of great help in ensuring a good marriage. This is especially useful when a marriage is on the rocks and yet both partners want desperately to patch up their differences and live the kind of married life they want to lead. Handwriting analysis studies, analyses and compares the handwritings of these two persons, and answers questions like:

  1. In which area of life are these two individuals compatible? Or, incompatible?
  2. Where are they expected to run in trouble?
  3. Which of them is a rigid person - and unlikely to ever change?
  4. Which individual has the ability to mould him or her according to demands of a situation?

Also, the possibility of living happily ever after is something which every couple desires and wants. Getting their handwriting analyzed before marriage goes a long way in guaranteeing them a happily married life.


Dr. Ajay Rai brings to you a unique and exclusive opportunity to know the real you, and define your success in education, career, life and interpersonal relationships through analysis of your handwriting. He has over thirty year’s awareness of Handwriting Analysis. It started with his well researched and bestselling book “Your Handwriting Reveals Your Personality”, published by Orient Paperbacks, New Delhi. He has helped many to understand their personalities, educational and career destinies, and the need for effective marriage counseling through Handwriting Analysis.

He now offers you this unique and exclusive opportunity to get your handwriting analyzed. Please write for further details to the email address given below. Please mention clearly your full mailing address, your date of birth, sex, and education.

Dr Ajay Rai
Counseling, Mentoring, Consultancy
153/18 Shipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020
91-141-2397617, 9829214465,