An Introduction to Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program, especially designed for professionals, technocrats, executives, entrepreneurs, etc.
The word “mentor” comes from Greek mythology. Ulysses, before setting out on an epic voyage, entrusted his son to the care and direction of his old and trusted friend Mentor. And Mentor did his job so well that he became a concept we take as the ultimate in life grooming.
In the present scenario, mentoring is seen as a new and highly effective means of identifying and developing high-flyers; to others it is a means of speeding and facilitating the induction of young people in general. Although mentoring was a largely unknown term until the late 1960s, it has become the subject of intense academic study and widespread effective use and experimentation.
Simply put, mentoring is a tool that organizations can use to nurture and grow their people. It can be an informal practice or a formal program, where protégés observe, question, and explore, and Mentors demonstrate, explain and model. The following define basic characteristics of an effective mentoring program.
- Mentoring uses both success and failure as powerful teachers. Both success and failure are powerful lessons that provide valuable opportunities for analyzing individual and organizational realities. The mentoring program brings out how and why it is so.
- Mentoring uses leadership experiences: We need to be leaders in whatever we do, and at whatever level we function. The very concept of leadership has changed. It is no more positional. It is now very much functional. The mentoring program spells out how this can be achieved.
- Mentoring uses the SMART way to plan: To bring out our best, we must have goals to follow. Goals cannot be defined without planning. Planning goals must be based on certain basic elements. The mentoring program explains in details how this can be done effectively.
- Mentoring as a partnership: Mentoring is seen as a partnership between the Mentor and the Mentee. This helps us to provide structure, guidance and support needed to succeed in this activity. The mentoring program brings out how and why it is so.
- Mentoring enables effective management of time: Managing time maximizes our work - and at the same time protects us from stress due to overwork, bad work or irregular work [all these three are results of bad time management]. The mentoring program gives guidelines that ensure good time management.
- Mentoring as continuous learning. Mentoring is never a one interaction activity. It is a continuous process, tapping into continuous learning that is not an event, or even a string of discrete events. Rather, it is the synthesis of ongoing event, experiences, observation, studies, and thoughtful analyses.
In addition to basic elements of mentoring described above, the program will have the following
- Integrated personality development
- Effective communication and presentation skills
- Effective English communication skills
- Effective public speaking, interviews, and group discussions abilities
- Family Counseling: For fulfilling relationships with parents, siblings, spouse, children, relatives, etc.
- Personal Counseling: For effective interpersonal relationships – friends, colleagues, boss, acquaintances of the opposite sex, strangers, etc.
Dr. Rai has always been genuinely interested in goals and aspirations of those who come to him for counseling, mentoring and consultancy. He is passionate about helping them achieve their goals and aspirations. He is able to resolve conflicts, and give guidance.
- With all needed patience, he goes over one’s life, work & career, and relationships goals and works to ensure that one achieves those goals,
- He supports ones needs and aspirations, encourages him/her to accept challenges and overcome difficulties,
- He motivates and inspires one to reach ones full potential, and very importantly,
- He ensures complete confidentiality of his interactions.
We must remember that we live in a very competitive world, full of possibilities. Dr. Rai helps one achieve his/her full potential in every sector of life.
Ongoing two sessions a month.
- Session One will be responding to functional aspect of work situation of the target group, and
- Session Two will be responding to personal qualities and aspects of each member of the target group.
The two sessions in the month will be as follows:
- The first session will be, as mentioned, responding to functional aspect of work situation of the target group. The introductory session can be on ‘Everybody needs a Mentor!” which will introduce the program to the target group and prepare them for what to expect from the Mentoring Program, and follow-up on. This session can be every 1st week of the month.
- The other session, will also be for two hours, but will deal with individual interaction. This will be based on questionnaire designed for the target group. After a few of these sessions, needed topics for the first kind will come out. This session can be every 3rd week of the month.
The major thrust of the Mentoring Program will be to introduce participants to and develop in them disciplined approach to positive and best values of our glorious heritage. This is a significant thrust in our times when lack of values is creating possibly the most crucial crisis.
Dr. Ajay Rai has over 30 year’s experience of counseling & mentoring, with some amazing results. He has written over 68 books on subjects that include counseling, mentoring & English communication skills, published by national/ international publishers such as Vikas Publishing House, Jaico Publishing House, Orient Paperbacks, Sterling Publishers, Crest Publishing House, etc. An alumnus of Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, he has worked in multiple sectors of education in international organizations, and holds a Ph.D. in Sociology of Work. His research work identified areas that have significant job potential now and in future, with amazing accuracy.
Some feedback from those who have participated in his counseling, mentoring and consultancy programs:
- Before the program, I had no confidence. Now I can speak effectively, and my body language too has become more effective. [SCP, a very senior manager]
- I was confused about my strengths and shortcomings. Through this program, I have received knowledge and understanding. I now have more self confidence and have matured as a team leader. [PJ, senior professional].
- The mentoring program affected me in all means. My working style is totally changed now. I have developed confidence. [RT, TV actor/ music producer]
- The program helped me boost up my confidence level, cultivate skills for effective team work, develop public speaking ability and leadership quality etc. [MSC – senior professional]
- This program has benefited me. I have developed confidence in myself. I practice what I learn from this program. I am more developed now. [RR, a senior professional]
- Through this program I have felt major change in my thinking regarding communication skills, relationship with my seniors, loyalty towards organization, time management. [DP, department in charge]
- Through this program, I am more socially confident, clearer in my thought process and also learnt communication skills, which is very important part of my work [AK, senior manager].
- Through this program, I have learnt to be positive and optimistic in accomplishing my goals, by developing innovative methods to make work easier and achievable… [SC, singer]

Dr Ajay Rai
Counseling, Mentoring, Consultancy
153/18 Shipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020
91-141-2397617, 9829214465