The unique and very effective Mentoring Program that Dr. Ajay Rai conducts is based on aptitudes and abilities. This program ensures the best of education and career - and a really fulfilling life, as the feedbacks from those who have taken part will convey!
Dr. Ajay Rai is a senior professional and internationally acclaimed author of books on vocational aptitude tests, counseling and mentoring, as well as ELT [English Language Teaching]. He has over 36 years experience in the field.
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has resulted for me in some special achievements, such as the following:
- There was student in my college whom I thought was very intelligent and [thought that he] will top the college in academics and my fellow mates also thought that. But I proved them wrong and scored more marks. [I actually topped the college]. This was possible because of this program.
- Now I do not underestimate my strength and try to give my best [in everything that I do] [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program
This program is all about clarifying doubts in a person’s life, guiding him to the best path according to suitability and overall development for the person. It is the best way. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has resulted for me in some most significant achievements, such as the following:
- I now do maths by myself.
- I can score extremely well in biology [I hated biology earlier].
- I have improved my English speaking skills.
- I am able to play basketball better.
- I am developing my interest in computers.
- My sense of understanding situations has improved.
- I am more curious about things around myself. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has resulted for me in some special achievements, such as the following:
Through the mentoring program, I now feel that there is nothing impossible to do. With hard work, patience and faith in almighty and ones capability anything can be achieved. I think through this program I can master all aspects of my life. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has affected my personality profoundly. My personality has developed during the course of this program. I have now realized that if one respects his body fully there would be no flaw in his/her personality traits. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has resulted for me in some significant general achievements, such as the following:
- This program has enhanced my personality [overall]. Earlier I used to underestimate myself and took others as superior to me in qualities but now I take it as a challenge.
- It has improved my English speaking skills, now I can talk English with confidence. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has affected my family life significantly. I am developing a deeper and stronger bond with my family. I respect and value my parents much more than I did before. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has affected my academic achievements in many ways.
- It has affected me a lot as it helped me in doing regular studies through set time table.
- Last two months exam sessions were very good as I used to come prepared for the tests which helped me in final exam.
- I scored the highest percentage in my college. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has affected my interpersonal interactions in many ways. It has affected me as now I speak with confidence and if required can speak in English too. The bonding [with others] has increased. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has perhaps affected me the most in my extra-curricular life. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has affected me profoundly in my family life. My interaction with my father has improved and our bonding has strengthened. I put my own point of view in discussion and give my thought in general meetings of family. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has impacted my academics. I feel that in the academics the best is yet to come. I feel very confident within myself regarding some subjects [That I almost hated earlier]. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has greatly enhanced my self confidence. This has been possible through significant improvement in my speaking skills, communication skills, motivation, knowledge, etc. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me achieve some significant general achievements, such as the following:
- I left my tuitions and started doing maths myself.
- Now, I feel confident about maths and other subjects also.
- I feel my intellectual level has noticed significant growth.
- I now feel confident about myself and I am better than ever. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has affected my personality profoundly. I have improved self confidence, motivation to do a task hard for my strength, more futuristic. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program
This program is a method or procedure to bring out the best in a person. It affects all the traits of a person from academics to personality development and everything. It is the best way to judge how perfect a person is and what qualities he/she should add to make one self perfect. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has resulted for me in most significant achievements, such as the following:
- My entire personality development which benefitted me in academics and day to day life. Now, I can interact with people more than before this program.
- Regular studies, note making, net surfing about issues or biographies, out of the box thinking, conscious about health. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
Before the program began, I was not able to speak English, and had no confidence to use it in my regular interactions. Now I can use some words and am continually trying to use my daily interactions to build up on what I have learnt. My body language, while speaking to a group, too has become more effective. [SCP, Senior Circulation Manager]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- Before attending such sessions I was not aware about how to build a team, work environment, [or] how to motivate self and team.
- I got to know why motivation is needed, why we should develop our public relation and how to have command on language, how to develop communication skills, etc
- I gained new experience which I am utilizing in my working also.
- At times I used to take separate meetings of center in charges in which I used to communicate the things I learnt in the program and also helped them in making their communication skills better and more effective with clients so that the results increased in new areas also. [AS, Circulation Manager]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- Before this program began I was confused about my strengths and shortcomings. Through this program, I have received knowledge and understanding about teamwork, team leader, motivation, public speaking, English, computer operation, marketing, communication, etc.
- I also have a better understanding about my work, work of other departments and functions of my company. I now have more self confidence and have matured as a team leader. [PJ, a senior advertisement professional]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- Before the introduction of this program I wasn’t as balanced as I am now. I was doing my work but now my work is getting better and better, thanks to this program.
- It has given strength to my thoughts, in becoming more social with other employees other than my department and giving me a level of confidence that there is someone whom I can share each and everything.
- I have learnt a lot through this program. I am more social, more confident more clear in my thought process and also learnt communication skills which are very important part of my work.
- I have attended most of the sessions and tried to execute them in my professional and personal life and now I am so comfortable with these acts that my actions have become very smooth. [AK, a senior finance manager]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- This program has benefited me. I have developed confidence in myself. I practice what I learn from this program with my friends, colleagues, and family. I have also started new things in my life - reading English newspapers, watching TV news, self-analysis, thinking in details, calculating the effects of the events, etc.
- By so doing, I have developed myself. The most important things I have gained are self confidence, ways of thinking and dreaming, etc. [RR, a senior accounts professional]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- Before joining this program I was not aware about other departments of my company and I faced many problems due to this while interacting across departments.
- Through this program I have individually got connected to other departments also and it makes me feel happy and satisfied while interacting with their activities also.
- It developed my knowledge and other developments also which cannot be described in words. [AK, a senior accounts manager]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- At the beginning of the program I lacked self confidence, was hesitant and somehow was not able to express myself.
- The program has boosted my confidence level, cultivated skills for effective team work, developed habit of public speaking, and brought in leadership qualities. I have developed team spirit and the need to develop self and my staff. [SKV, Accountant]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- Through the program, I learnt team motivation, marketing work, English speaking, and have developed mentally on how to speak to team. Also, how to achieve targets given to a team.
- I have shared with friends and family what I learnt about English language, and this has developed my understanding of the language.” [SLC, Accounts]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- My communication skill was little poor in the beginning of the program. The mentoring Program affected me in all means.
- My working style is totally changed. Now I am working very smoothly in managed way with all future planning.
- I have developed my confidence.
- What I have learned in Mentoring Program, I applied it in my working as much I can. [RNT, and actor and a singer]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional
- I lacked self-confidence, and was very hesitant and somehow was not able to express myself.
- The program helped me boost up my confidence level, cultivate skills for effective team work, develop public speaking ability and leadership quality etc. [MSC, senior recovery professional]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- Before coming to this program, I was confined to my work, and was not in a position to think about other facets of my work life.
- I found these sessions an intense learning experience and have practically tried what I learnt in my working as well as personal life.
- I have learnt to be positive and optimistic in accomplishing my goals, by developing innovative methods to make work easier and achievable.
- As a result of these sessions, I find my areas of thinking have become widened to absorb new information, becoming useful in my career. [SC, Accountant]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional.
- Through these sessions, I have learnt [how to] motivate the team, take on more responsibilities, and find immediate solutions to problems.
- There has been an increase in self confidence, development of original thinking, ability to perform tasks in time, new information.
- As a result I have gained in willpower, ability to fulfill responsibilities, knowledge about other department, etc. I have started to dream, and find new ways to do my work. [PJ, Circulation]
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Mentoring Program has helped me become a true professional
- After attending the program I have felt major changes in my thinking regarding topics like communication skill, relationship with my seniors, loyalty towards organization, time management, etc.
- Experience and thoughts of others that I came across thru this program helped me in developing myself. [There has been a distinct improvement in my] personality, as well as increase in my working skills. I have learnt also that we can be innovative in whatever routine work we are doing. [DP, Store Incharge]