This is a unique and very effective Counseling & Mentoring Program, based on aptitudes and abilities. This program ensures the best of education and career - and a really fulfilling life!
Dr. Ajay Rai is a senior professional and internationally acclaimed author of books on vocational aptitude tests, counseling and mentoring, as well as ELT [English Language Teaching]. He has over 36 years experience in the field.
Many years back, there was a boy. Intelligent, healthy and had many abilities. But there was nobody and nothing which could tell him where his vocational destiny lay. He found it by hard experience.
This Mentoring service is dedicated to him with the hope that other boys [and girls, too] are saved from the trying endeavor and loss of precious time involved therein.
From "Choose Your Career: Aptitude & Vocational Aptitude Tests"" by Dr. Ajay Rai,
Published by Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1993
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Counseling & Mentoring Program is a new and highly effective means of identifying and developing aptitudes and potentials. It enables the participants to nurture and grow to their full potential. Please refer to feedbacks from participants.
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Counseling & Mentoring Program is based on accurate evaluations, specific counseling, leadership experiences, strong, and result oriented planning on a regular basis, ensuring effective management of time and continuous learning. In addition it includes also the following academic and career skills:
- Memory & concentration
- Creative & critical thinking, as well as problem solving ability & negotiation skills
- Resisting Pressure & meeting challenges successfully
- Communication as well as effective English communication skills –reading, writing, and speaking
- Identification of and response to opportunities
- Maintaining effective interpersonal relationships with:
- Parents, siblings, relatives, as well as
- Friends, colleagues, teachers, boss, acquaintances of the opposite sex, strangers, etc.
- Effective public speaking, interviews, and group discussions abilities
- Management of emotions & empathy
- Career Related Counseling: Defining the best career, not just a job.
- General Counseling: Responding effectively to situations that challenge and affect our performance.
Special for students
- Educational Counseling: Defining which subject stream to take [class XI], which course to take [after Class XII] to give appropriate boost to career growth, etc. This is done through a unique and very accurate COMPLETE APTITUDE TEST (CAT) that defines the stream and subject that one must identify and aim for to ensure the best career.
- Special Study Methods: Defining ways that ensure full success in academic activities at all levels.
Dr. Ajay Rai enables participants to achieve their goals and aspirations. He resolves also their conflicts, and gives guidance.
- With patience, he goes over the participant’s life, education, work, & relationships goals and works to ensure that s/he achieves these goals effectively and successfully,
- He supports the participant’s needs and aspirations and encourages him/her to accept challenges and overcome difficulties, and
- He motivates and inspires the participant to reach his/her full potential.
In a world that is so competitive [yet so full of opportunities!] Dr. Ajay Rai helps participants to achieve full potential in every sector of life.
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Counseling & Mentoring Program is based on specific needs of the participants. It introduces participants to and develops in them disciplined approach to positive thinking and action, as well as
best personal, family and social value system that is our glorious heritage and which has enabled us to gain supreme individual success worldwide. This is a significant thrust in our times when lack of values is creating possibly the most crucial crisis.
Dr. Ajay Rai has over 36 years experience of mentoring and counseling. He has written also over 68 books on subjects that include counseling, mentoring & English language skills, published by national/ international publishers such as Vikas Publishing House, Jaico Publishing House, Orient Paperbacks, Sterling Publishers, Crest Publishing House, etc.
An alumnus of Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, he has worked in multiple sectors of education in international organizations, and holds a Ph.D. in Sociology of Work. His research work identified areas that have significant growth now and in future, with amazing accuracy.
He has designed and implemented unique, result oriented Subject Apperception Test, Intelligence Tests, Vocational Aptitude Tests, Personality Assessment Tests, and Assessment of Basic Abilities Tests. He has had amazing successes.
In addition, he has done pioneering work in intelligence and general awareness, concluding that, “People with high general awareness may not have high intelligence [but they usually do]; and people of high intelligence may not have high general awareness [they usually do not]”. And that a proper equilibrium between the two provides the real base upon which future success rests!
Dr. Ajay Rai’s Counseling & Mentoring Program - Some feedback
- Dr. Ajay Rai’s Counseling & Mentoring Program: This program is all about clarifying doubts in a person’s life, guiding him to the best path according to suitability and overall development for the person. It is the best way. [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
- My special achievements - 1. Through the Counseling & Mentoring Program, I now feel that there is nothing impossible to do. I think through this program I can master all aspects of my life. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
- My special achievements - 2. There was student in my college whom I thought was very intelligent and [thought that he] will top the college in academics and my fellow mates also thought that. But I proved them wrong and scored more marks. [I actually topped the college]. This was possible because of this program. Now I do not underestimate my strength and try to give my best [in everything that I do] [PA, B.Com. [Hons] 3rd year]
- Significant effect on my family life. I am developing a deeper and stronger bond with my family. I respect and value my parents much more than I did before. [VS, Class 12th, CBSE]
- This program has benefited me. I have developed confidence in myself. I practice what I learn from this program with my friends, colleagues, and family. By so doing, I have developed myself. The most important things I have gained are self confidence, ways of thinking and dreaming, etc. [RR, a senior accounts professional]
- The Counseling & Mentoring Program affected me in all means. My working style is totally changed. Now I am working very smoothly in managed way with all future planning. I have developed my confidence. What I have learned in Counseling & Mentoring Program, I applied it in my working as much I can. [RNT, and actor and a singer]
- The program helped me boost up my confidence level, cultivate skills for effective team work, develop public speaking ability and leadership quality etc. [MSC, senior recovery professional]
- I have felt major changes. After attending the program I have felt major changes in my thinking regarding relationship with my seniors, loyalty towards organization, time management, etc.Experience and thoughts of others that I came across thru this program helped me in developing myself. [There has been a distinct improvement in my] personality, as well as increase in my working skills. I have learnt also that we can be innovative in whatever routine work we are doing. [DP, Store Incharge]
Please contact for appointment:
Dr Ajay Rai
Counseling, Mentoring, Consultancy
153/18 Shipra Path, Mansarovar, Jaipur 302020
91-141-2397617, 9829214465